And in the beginning…

So, this is my first blog. I’m 26 and have been working as a nurse for 7 years. I have also just finished a degree, well I will in 8 weeks. 

3 years ago I got intracranial hypertension, the reason according to the doctors… I’m fat. I was around the 110-115 kg mark. So I got a lap band, lost 30 odd kg and cured my IH for now.

Over the past 2years of study however I have noticed a steady increase in my weight as my workouts and healthy eating gave weight to study and stress. Until I stood on the scales the other day and saw those dreaded numbers, 99.2 kg. I’m seconds away from triple digits… Again.

So that’s it, no questions about it, it was time to get my butt into gear and get it off again. Over the past week I have gone down to 98.1, but got to keep it going. I’m using a meals company called 5.4 here in Melbourne, Australia to help me with my poor time management and diet.

My gym subscription is currently on hold till the end of November due to my final nursing placement and my lack of finances. In the mean time though diet will be my main focus. 


2 thoughts on “And in the beginning…

  1. I used to go to the gym before I started my current job, and it’s slowly starting to show on me now. It got really easy for me to miss a gym day here and there, because “I was tired” (yeah right).

    What sort of diet have 5.4 got you on?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So 5.4 specialise in body building meals. Muscle building and weight loss are the 2 categories for men and women. So I’m doing the women weightloss ones. It’s a little pricy but I have tried other meal providers such as light and easy, and I found that it wasn’t effective due to the lack of macro consideration they have, in other words all my meals were high carb.
      It’s creepy how the kgs just sneak up on you and you can almost convince yourself it’s not happening until you just can’t. But having previously lost 30kg I know I can do it again. Mind you lapband has been a bit of a failure at the moment every meal I fight with it to keep it down but that will be another post.
      But in the meantime there is malifaux to keep me company 😁


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